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She called in a S.H.I.E.L.D. cleanup team and signaled her location on the roof with flares. Back at S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, she confronted Fury, stating that all of the events going on were too much to handle. She revealed to Fury that she witnessed Emil Blonsky in action against Hulk and that they enhanced him.
She was further shocked and saddened when Barton following the loss of his family became more ruthless and violent when she encountered him in Tokyo. During her time in the Red Room, she was seen using her martial arts to defeat a grown man by swinging his head into the corner of a desk, proving how formidable she was even when she was young. She was extremely skilled in the field of martial arts, having mastered arts such as sambo, hapkido, Lucha libre-style wrestling, Krav Maga, multiple styles of kung fu, wing chun, Taekwondo, and kali with her batons. She was skilled enough to be able to defeat a mind-controlled Hawkeye, maintain the upper hand against Ant-Man, and even hold her own against the much stronger Winter Soldier, though he was able to bring her down in the end. Black Widow also managed to compete with Proxima Midnight alongside Okoye, even managing to disarm her with her baton, holding her off long enough for Wanda to kill her. In addition, she had enough skill to stab Corvus Glaive using Proxima Midnight's Spear.
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Sneaking in from the back entrance, Romanoff surprised Stark as she revealed herself to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent the entire time. Seeing that she lied to him, Stark said Romanoff was fired, but she made it clear that it wasn't up to him. During Stark's and Rhodes' fight, Romanoff ran into Pepper Potts, who confronted her by saying that she knew something wasn't right with Stark ever since Romanoff arrived. Suddenly, the fight made its way into the living room where all the guests were hanging out and resulted in the two of them evacuating the mansion.
One of the guards drew an electric rod as a threat; however, the guard threatening them instead neutralized the other STRIKE operative sitting across from them. Their rescuer revealed herself to be Maria Hill, who asked about Wilson's identity before using a Mouse Hole to escape with the three fugitives. Romanoff ran away from the incoming cars and used her bite to grapple off the bridge while a car fell off and exploded behind her. The two talked during the drive, including Romanoff asking if the time they kissed in the mall was the first kiss Rogers had since 1945. Romanoff and Steve Rogers were sent with the STRIKE unit to retake the Lemurian Star that was hijacked by pirates led by Georges Batroc.
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As Romanoff tried to free herself, she witnessed as Banner transformed into Hulk, leaving Romanoff horrified. Luchkov, confused by her statement, misunderstood Romanoff's cryptic message and claimed to his henchmen that he was not giving her everything. Romanoff was then ordered to make sure that Banner did not leave anything for Samuel Sterns, with whom he had recently been, to work on. As she headed up the front steps, she witnessed Blonsky, now as Abomination, emerge from the building. She stumbled upon Sterns, whose mutation had heightened significantly, and his brainpower had been augmented exponentially.

Though I don't think it would take away anything to do it in two pieces and the separation between them seems to be covered by a more hefty belt. The experience was, according to Whedon, a spiritual cleansing of sorts; a respite from the drudgery of assembling a gazillion-dollar superhero epic that reminded him why he fell in love with visual storytelling in the first place. And, like many film and television projects in the Whedon canon, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Dollhouse to his unproduced Wonder Woman screenplay, it featured a ballsy, no-nonsense heroine at its center. Fighting for good, for the sake of mankind is more important than fighting each other. Wearing an Avengers 2 – Age of Ultron costume is a good choice because it invokes fast and easy identification with the selfless men and woman of the superhero team. But what makes the movie interesting is the bond that exists between the superheroes in the film.
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Fury and Pierce gave their authorizations to release all of the files and Romanoff quickly noted that it was trending on the Internet. Pierce then activated a trigger on his phone causing all of the council members to die from fatal chest shots due to their security tags except for Romanoff's. To stop Project Insight, Romanoff used a Photostatic Veil to disguise herself as Pamela Hawley and infiltrated the World Security Council. As she stayed with Alexander Pierce, Captain America, Falcon and Maria Hill infiltrated the Triskelion and revealed that S.H.I.E.L.D. was compromised by HYDRA.
When Danvers decided to go out and find Thanos on her own, Romanoff stopped her, informing her that they work as a team. Twenty-three days after the Snap, Captain Marvel returned from her mission to find Tony Stark, carrying Benatar towards the Avengers Compound. The Avengers, along with Pepper Potts stood outside and witnessed Stark exit the ship, along with Nebula.
Assembling the Avengers and the Wakandan armed forces to oppose the Black Order, Black Widow joined Steve Rogers and T'Challa in talking to Proxima Midnight and Cull Obsidian at the shield boundary. Black Widow inquired where Corvus Glaive was; Midnight intimated that he was dead. Midnight and Obsidian then initiated the Battle of Wakanda as they proceeded to release their army of Outriders.

Fury was forced to deploy Romanoff to Grayburn College after Ross revealed, in a short conversation, that he intended to capture Banner. She arrived too late, however, and informed Fury over the phone that Ross captured Banner and was taking him away in a helicopter. Now dressed in her S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform, Romanoff met with Nick Fury at Randy's Donuts to provide a short-term antidote to Tony Stark's palladium poisoning.
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